Celebrate your Jewish identity

And step into a lifestyle where meaning meets modernity.

Virtual meetings + live experiences to fuel your Jewish journey.

Sign up for lasting growth and empowering community

I want more meaning in my life

Celebrate your Jewish identity

And step into a lifestyle where meaning meets modernity.

Virtual meetings + live experiences to fuel your Jewish journey.

Sign up for lasting growth and empowering community

I want more meaning in my life

Judaism is more than a religion —

It's a Community of purpose.

It’s about embarking on a transformative journey of self-improvement and positive change, guided by purpose, integrity, and pride. It’s the commitment to become a source of kindness and justice, lighting the way for a better world.

When you join Olami Together, you bond with a brotherhood of like-minded, growing young people. And with the guidance of a rockstar team of Rabbis, you learn to lean into the transformative power of Judaism.

Join this life-altering experience and tap into the richness and relevance of your Jewish birthright.

Life-changing Jewish learning.

Suited to your life.

We’ve taken Jewish wisdom and made it attainable in a fast-paced digital world. No matter what your schedule, background, or learning skill set looks like, simply come as you are — and leave transformed.

1:1 Online 

Build enduring relationships and get the guidance you need to navigate life through the lens of Jewish thought. Our staff of Rabbis are the elite personalities in the Torah world — and brilliant conversationalists, to boot. 

This is where the real growth happens.

Meet the team

Digital seminars & workshops

Enjoy enriching classes on a variety of fascinating topics. Our engaging Rabbis and curious, growing participant groups make these online events popular, meaningful, and eye-opening.

This is where good questions are celebrated — and answered.

Check out upcoming classes

Live events
& Shabbatons

Spend incredible, action-packed days learning, growing, and having the time of your life. Then, walk away changed. There’s a reason our live experiences sell out faster than we can pull them off.

This is where inspiration is crystallized into transcendent living


I have grown as a person through the Olami Together community.

"Olami Together has been one of the most amazing opportunities. I’ve been inspired to learn while having the best time of my life. I have grown as a person through the Olami Together community and have built life-long friendships and relationships that will remain intact for eternity. The various lessons and talks have helped deepen my understanding of my purpose in this world and assisted me in the search for my potential in Judaism, academics, and my overall future."

Patrick Tobias, Toronto

Got questions?

You must be Jewish.

What qualifications do I need to join Olami Together?

Our program caters to Jewish students and young professionals, ages 18-32. 

We specifically service men, while our sister program, Olami Souled (souled.olami.org) offers similar programming for women. 

(No, we’re not discriminatory 😄 This division allows us to create communities where deep, intimate, brotherly (and sisterly!) bonds are formed, and where learning topics and experiences are perfectly matched to our participants’ interests and lives.)

Do I need to have any background in Jewish learning to join your programs?

We are open to growing Jewish men of all learning backgrounds. When we first chat, we’ll figure out what your learning skill set, textual experience, and learning goals are, and then work with you to help you grow your Jewish knowledge at your own pace.

Hm, a free program. What’s the catch?

We are a philanthropically funded organization with the goal of helping young Jewish men learn Torah and reconnect with Judaism. We are committed to keeping our main program and learning opportunities 100% free of charge! 

That said, for some of our luxury, all-inclusive events and experiences, we do charge a nominal fee.

How can I book a meeting with a mentor or Rabbi?

We’re here to make learning simple! 

When you sign up as a registered student, you'll be given the option to book a meeting or a set of recurring meetings (i.e. a weekly learning session.)
If you’re already registered in our program and would like to book additional meetings, you can do so via the student portal at https://online.olami.org/main/.

I’m not ready to commit to formal learning at this point.

Can I still join your events or Shabbatons?

Yes, certainly. One caveat: for events and experiences with long waiting lists, we do prioritize our community’s “frequent flyers”, who consistently join our various programs.

I live abroad. Can I still join a US-based event?

It depends on the event. If you live abroad, we’ll evaluate your request to attend US-based events on a case-by-case basis.

Can I attend more than one event and/or Shabbaton?

Of course! We encourage you to continue to join our events and to bring your unique flavor to our community.

I’m not Jewish, but I’m interested in learning more about Judaism.
Can I join your program?

We applaud your interest in what is certainly a fascinating topic of discovery! However, our program is a philanthropically-funded organization with a very specific goal, that of helping Jewish men connect with their heritage. You can certainly reach out to us and we’ll do our best to connect you with other resources that are geared for your needs.

Who can I speak with regarding any questions, concerns, or feedback?

We’d love to hear from you! 
For general questions and comments, please reach out to our Director of Operations, Austin Altman at [email protected].
For other inquiries, you can speak to our Managing Director, Rabbi Mitchell Jadidi at [email protected].

You’re one simple step away from it all.

The community you need.
The guidance you’ll cherish.
The knowledge that will change your life forever.

Join us today
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